Chubb Assistance is a twenty-four (24) hour, 365 days a year emergency referral service. In the event of a medical or similar emergency anywhere in the world simply phone, reverse the charge and get immediate help in locating medical assistance in Your local area.
If you require assistance contact the local telephone operator and ask for a reverse charge call to Chubb Assistance on:
+64 9 374 1774 and more information can be found at here.
This service will also provide non-emergency pre-travel advice on some health-related matters, verify insurance coverage and can help co-ordinate immediate claim payments.
Where your claim is excluded or falls outside your Policy coverage, the provision of emergency assistance by Chubb Assistance will not in itself be an admission of liability.
Considerable effort is made to locate, assess and reassess medical facilities and other services worldwide. However, the medical standards, sanitary conditions, reliability of telephone systems and facilities for urgent medical evacuations differ from country to country and accordingly, it is not always possible to have control over these factors. In the circumstances, responsibility for any loss, medical complication or death resulting from any factor reasonably beyond our control, cannot be accepted by Chubb Assistance or us.
If you are admitted to hospital or you anticipate costs are likely to exceed NZD $2,000, you must advise Chubb Assistance as soon as practically possible.
We have the option of returning you to New Zealand if the cost of medical expenses overseas or any additional trip expenses is likely to exceed the cost of returning you to New Zealand, subject always to medical advice.
If Chubb Assistance deems it necessary for us to return you to New Zealand:
We also have the option of evacuating You to the nearest hospital in another country if deemed necessary by Chubb Assistance due to the necessary medical treatment and/or facility not being available in the immediate vicinity.
The cost of returning you to New Zealand from overseas or to evacuate you to the nearest hospital in another country will only be paid if it was arranged by Chubb Assistance or if due to reasons beyond your control, you are unable to notify Chubb Assistance to make the necessary arrangements, we shall reimburse you for expenses incurred in relation to the necessary arrangement, up to the amount which Chubb Assistance would have incurred for services provided under the same circumstances.